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Some of the projects they have done during the program are related to electronics, web pages, water quality monitoring, among others..
Small car that moves with sensors
Have you ever wanted to make a mini sumo robot or a cart but have no idea how to do it?
Well that is why to develop compression and ideas on how to make this type of robot I made this one.
The operation of the car is that it has 4 buttons and depending on the button that is made is the function it performs, one of them allows you to go forward, another of them in reverse and finally one to go to the right or left respectively

Monitoring Water Safety Through pH
Water is one of the most important and limited resources in the world, only 2.5% of the water in the world can be consumed, many of the people who have access to this resource do not have the water quality they deserve.
That is why and in order to support the Mexican population, a portable device was designed that allows the user to know the quality of the water they have access. The device has the function of measuring the PH level in the water and alerting the user with an LCD screen if the water can or cannot be consumed. The purpose of this project is to alert and raise awareness in the Mexican population of the problem of water drains that currently exist, in this way it is hoped to raise awareness of the care of this resource

Rube Golderberg machine
During one of the weeks of the program, as part of a challenging week, we were asked to make a Rube Golderberg machine through zoom, and for this it was necessary to use the Gogoboard microcontroller.
What we wanted was to tell the story of a ball that travels through different dimensions.
In my case, as you can see in the video, a servomotor pushes the ball, once it activates some sensors it pushes some domino pieces that push a spaceship that allows it to travel to another part far from the planet of plants.
My own website
During the development of the program, each participant had the opportunity to select a deep dive, in my case the first one I selected was JavaScript, in this deep dive I learned to modify a web page from a template, from the background, color, fonts, logos , to handle database and videos that can be displayed on the page.
For this, through the implementation of different languages such as HTML, C, C ++, each of the parameters corresponding to each part of the web page was modified.
The difference that exists with other pages is that each of the participants could develop it from the basics and each parameter was modified based on the code of each section, for me it was one of the most difficult deep dive because I did not have knowledge of how each part of code can modify the appearance of the page.

Machine learning program that predict heart attacks
Every year, about 805,000 Americans have a heart attack.3 Of these, 605,000 are a first heart attack, 200,000 happen to people who have already had a heart attack, about 1 in 5 heart attacks is silent—the damage is done, but the person is not aware of it.
I believe that many of the technology or innovation that is being carried out today has the purpose of seeking to provide a better quality of life to each person, that is why I selected this topic to develop my project, this consists through the analysis of a base of data coming from "Kaggle" analyze, age, gender, amount of cholesterol, etc. From all these data I decided to make a comparison between all types of methods such as Random Forest Classifier, SVC, Logistic Regression

Automatic incubator
When you want to do experiments related to biotechnology and bacterial growth, there are many variables that can affect the result we have of our experiments, one of them is the temperature, that is why during this Deep dive we carry out a basic incubator, but as a project I decided to make an incubator that can allow us to ensure that the temperature of our experiments is at the desired temperature at all times.
In addition, through the use of the computer we can verify the temperature at all times and modify it by moving a dial.

Final Project: Restpak

Chronic pain that frequently limits life or work activities is among the most common reasons adults seek medical care, 20.4% of adults have chronic pain and 7.4% of adults have chronic pain that frequently limits life and work activities.
That is why analyzing this problem as a team together with Kate Southern and Gabriela Lopez, we developed a backpack that can provide support like a chair and provide massage in specific areas.
We consider Creating an easily carried chair, using a backpack that can collapse into a chair, Intended for those who sometimes need to sit in high-traffic areas, but don't need to use a wheelchair and also Massage feature to help reduce pain when carrying and sitting